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Rebar Detailing to Fabrication Workflows Using Building Information Modeling

20/10/2014 - 18:46
Rebar Detailing to Fabrication Workflows Using Building Information Modeling

For those you attending AU to learn about automating the creation of rebar shop drawings from Revit, how about using the Revit model to drive rebar fabrication machinery directly? Come learn how industry leading rebar MIS software company aSa can use Revit models to streamline the rebar supply chain, from rebar estimating through detailing, fabrication and installation.

Do not wait and sign up for this class now.

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Reinforced Concrete in Autodesk Revit - Part 1 - Rebar Cover

16/10/2014 - 11:11
Reinforced Concrete in Autodesk Revit - Part 1 - Rebar Cover

I would like to start a series of tutorials to help you get started with reinforced concrete structures in Autodesk Revit. At the very beginning please download a dataset to have a starting point of the series.

Autodesk Revit software provides tools for modeling 3D concrete reinforcement in an advanced Building Information Modeling (BIM) environment. This series provides insight into how to use these tools in the best way for creating complete, detailed, and accurate reinforcement design. You will learn how to use the standard reinforcement modeling, drawing, and scheduling tools.

In the first series of steps, you set up rebar covers. 

1. Open …\Concrete Frame.rvt file.

Reinforcements are added to concrete structural members based on the design reinforcement. In Autodesk Revit, you can add reinforcements to concrete structural members such as floors, beams, columns, and others by using various tools.

In Revit you can model regular reinforcement and wire fabric reinforcement. There are a number of categories assigned for these reinforcement types, and they all behave and interconnect differently.

Before we actually start using the rebar tools we should have a short look at an important setting for all our reinforcement: The Rebar Cover Settings.

The cover settings define the offset distance of the bars from the face of the rebar host.

2. Go to the Structure tab and locate the Reinforcement panel. Expand the drop-down box and click on Rebar Cover Settings.

3. Rebar Cover Settings is a simple dialogue where you can add all the different covers you need in the project. Find the existing XD1\XC3/4 (C32/40,0.55,320) cover and change its value to 30 mm and click OK.

4. On the Structure tab click the Cover button.

The Cover tool is used to edit the cover settings in the entire length of the host of a rebar. The host of a rebar can be a beam, column, slab, floor, or a generic object.

5. On the Options Bar, click Pick Elements to pick an entire element.

6. Select all beam elements which will be modified and change their cover to XD1\XC3/4 (C32/40,0.55,320) then press the Esc key.

7. Select one of the beams and review the cover settings in the Properties dialog.

It’s important to get the cover settings right because all (well, almost all) modeled reinforcements are slaves to the cover. The Cover Settings can of course be changed in your model over time, but experience shows that this can disrupt your model and schedules.


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HoleBASE SI Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D - Webinar

14/10/2014 - 12:52
HoleBASE SI Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D - Webinar

Our geotechnical industry partners, Keynetix, after man years of re-development the new look HoleBASE SI Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D has been released to all users and to celebrate its launch they are doing 30 minutes of training and questions on line.

(This is an extended version of the Autodesk Geotechnical Module which is available via Keynetix)


This webinar will be an excellent introduction to the powerful features now included in the AutoCAD Civil 3D Extension and will be a valuable webinar if you are:-

1.            Currently using the previous release of the HoleBASE SI Extension for AutoCAD Civil

2.            Using the Autodesk Geotechnical Module and looking to have more functionality

3.            Currently using Civil 3D for your BIM integration and need to integrate subsurface data.

During this webinar you will learn how to:-

•             Create 3D borehole representations

•             Create AutoCAD Civil surfaces based on any parameter in the database

•             Create dynamic sections

•             Create contour plots and point maps based on any number of criteria

To register for the webinar please visit

For more information on HoleBASE SI and the extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D, click visit

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Using a joypad to control InfraWorks

14/10/2014 - 07:00
Using a joypad to control InfraWorks

This method is to emulate the keyboard controls of InfraWorks and InfraWorks360 to use a joypad with InfraWorks.

I use a Xbox controller with USB.

To set this up I use a keyboard emulator called Xpadder

It is a freeware application which you can find on the internet.

Install xpadder.exe

Plug in your controller until it finds the device.

Next, add the sticks, dpad, buttons and triggers that you want to run.

Follow the steps to initialise each one

Next we have to tell it what each movement or button push will do in InfraWorks

Below is the setup I use

Save your profile.

Then to use it, just have Xpadder running in the background and your joypad all works :)

There is extended documentation on all the keyboard shortcuts on the help system


So much more fun than a mouse and low cost addition to your experience.

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Construction Layout with BIM 360 Has Arrived!

13/10/2014 - 09:04
Construction Layout with BIM 360 Has Arrived!

Just announced on stage at the Dallas BIMforum, Autodesk BIM 360 Glue receives a major new feature bump and stand-alone iOS app. Yes, today we are happy to announce the launch of the BIM 360 Layout app and the companion layout functionality within BIM 360 Glue!

The new BIM 360 Layout app for iOS takes advantage of a recent partnership with the folks at Topcon and their LN-100 Robotic Instrument for laser-based positioning on the job site. By connecting to the iPad, the LN-100 offers a purpose-built hardware solution perfectly tailored to the demands of General Contractors and MEP contractors alike.

The BIM 360 Layout app with connection to the BIM 360 Glue web service challenges modern layout practices being utilized by contractors today. As most layout processes have connections to 3D models on larger construction projects, rigor can now be placed on managing and leveraging the up-to-date, coordinated information by the entire project team for construction layout. BIM 360 Layout removes common data exchange barriers and provides a seamless connection between the real-time coordinated model and the process of laying-out and staking points in the field.


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Setting up Oculus Rift DK2

13/10/2014 - 09:03
Setting up Oculus Rift DK2

So I have been getting a lot of questions on how to use  the new Oculus Rift DK2 and especially around InfraWorks and InfraWorks360.

You might have seen us use at various events the original DK1 system, which we did have a little support to make a prototype.


However the DK2 has changed a lot and we received our new kit the same time as most of you as we are also just developers like you that have also signed up to their developer network.

So it is not supported by InfraWorks (or hidden prototypes)

However it is possible to make it work (there is always a way ).

First install the drivers from the Oculus Dev website with your developer sign in.

After installation plug in your device.

You do not need to plug in the additional camera as we cannot use the tracking at this point.

So just the one cable and the USB and HDMI plug

In the Windows tray you can access the Oculus driver and open the Rift Display mode

Set as 'Extend Desktop to HMD' and 'DK1 Legacy App Support'

Next we need to set the screen resolution

The screen runs in portrait mode, so set this and the resolution of 948 x 1080

Your screen will now flip over and the Oculus will work.

Your laptop screen will not be really usable as it will be on its side unless you have a monitor and can rotate it around.


So the experience is actually not as good as the original DK1 as there is no head tracking and you cannot see all of the screen

But is ok and works well enough.

Also use with a joypad to navigate is much easier

So just because you see this post, I am not necessarily recommending here to go out to buy them.

There is no current Autodesk product support and of course this is still a dev kit, so the final specs could change again.

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An Introduction to Project Memento - Webcast

09/10/2014 - 17:25
An Introduction to Project Memento - Webcast



Attend this FREE webinar to learn all about working with large 3D meshes with Project Memento.


Presenter: Tatjana Dzambazova - Sr. Product Manager at Autodesk

Prior to this webinar you can try Project Memento for free at:

We look forward at seeing you at one of our sessions.

The Reality Solutions Group



An Introduction to Project Memento


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT


After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

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New Slab Design Tutorial

08/10/2014 - 16:20
New Slab Design Tutorial

After the Frame 2D, Frame 3D, and Building design tutorials, the Learning Experience team is pleased to announce that the new series of Slab Design tutorials has been added to the Robot Structural Analysis Professional help, along with short videos for all the existing tutorials.
Check it out here:
This tutorial, like the rest of the help, is available in English, French, Polish, and Russian.

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ReCap and ReCap Pro 1.4 Webcast this Thursday

01/10/2014 - 06:40
ReCap and ReCap Pro 1.4 Webcast this Thursday

ReCap and ReCap Pro 1.4 Webcast

Thu, Oct 2, 2014 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM BST (UK)

Thu, Oct 2, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT

Register to reserve your place

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New Version of Autodesk ReCap Pro Makes Reality Capture Easier, More Accurate

26/09/2014 - 17:11
New Version of Autodesk ReCap Pro Makes Reality Capture Easier, More Accurate Autodesk ReCap Pro; part of the ReCap product line that enables customers to capture and integrate reality data directly into their design process, just got even better.


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It's Alive in the Lab: PDF Magick for Paper Output

25/09/2014 - 12:09
It's Alive in the Lab: PDF Magick for Paper Output

Here is the latest software for processing PDF and DWF files to paper.

PDF Magick for Paper Output

To go beyond the paper, DWF has to be able to get to paper first.

— Scott Sheppard

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What’s New in Autodesk Revit 2015 R2 for Structural Engineers

23/09/2014 - 18:49
What’s New in Autodesk Revit 2015 R2 for Structural Engineers

There are new features and enhancements in Autodesk Revit 2015 R2 dedicated especially to structural engineers

  • Improved rebar modeling: When reinforcing concrete elements, you can now place rebar in any 2D view. Place rebar in plan views, elevation views, and section views using the new placement plane tools.
  • Snap to model lines for structural elements: To expedite and improve the modeling workflows, the following snapping enhancements are available for structural elements.
    • You can snap to an imported and non-exploded CAD drawing.
    • Similar to the behaviors when placing structural walls and slabs, all structural elements now snap to the geometry of imported drawings.
    • 3D snapping has been enhanced.
    • Snaps such as nearest, endpoint, and midpoints are available when defining structural elements along model lines.
    • Additional snap locations are available along model lines for structural framing elements, structural columns, trusses, and isolated foundations.
    • When you place non-hosted loads, you can now snap to model lines.
  • Improved alignment reference: When changing the alignment reference of beam end geometry in a join, you can now select multiple framing element instances and change their alignment to a common join reference. You can also reset multiple changed references.
  • Structural framing orientation: When refining your model, you can flip structural framing elements and maintain joins, as well as setback, geometry, and justification modifications. 
  • There is also enhanced user interface for structural elements in order to improve productivity during structural modeling.

These enhancements are available only to Autodesk Maintenance and Desktop Subscription customers for Revit 2015 software releases. 
Lear more:

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Manchester Civil 3D UK User Group MeetingRegistration open

23/09/2014 - 09:36
Manchester Civil 3D UK User Group MeetingRegistration open

Look forward to meeting everyone on Thursday 23rd October

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To switch or not to switch that is the question

23/09/2014 - 09:35
To switch or not to switch that is the question

Do you have a laptop from the last two to three years?

Big fancy dedicated graphics card?

Autodesk software runs slow in graphics and you haven't seen an improvement on your old laptop?

Products like InfraWorks especially are demanding some graphics grunt to navigate around a whole city.

Probably this is you?


So the problem potentially is that you have switchable graphics.

This is to save battery power that your laptop is consuming the on board graphics card only.

Right click on your desktop and screen resolution and the ‘advanced settings’ and see what it is showing.

If it says Intel HD, then you are not running with your fancy graphics card

This is an example of what you could be seeing (Image from

With NVidia and AMD ATI cards, they have a desktop tray control to potentially switch the graphics or have automatic switching where you can choose a product to use the dedicated graphics.

Example of a graphics card control panel for setting graphics preferred graphics processor, i.e. switchable graphics


To be honest the automatic switching, I have never got to work.

So the other way around you will need IT assistance as we need to touch the BIOS (here be dragons as they say )

So when you boot your computer you normally can press F5, F8, F12 or something to enter the BIOS setup (they are all different)

Then look for display or video and you hopefully will have an option like this for ‘Switchable Graphics’


Save and your computer will restart

When you enter Windows, it could look bad like safe mode and you will see that the drivers are reinstalling and will potentially ask for another restart

After restart, you will find you have the graphics power, less battery time but software that really performs

Do the same test and you should see your fancy graphics card (other manufacturers are available)

Please, work with your IT to test this as it applies for everyone and is affecting ALL your software performance in a big way.

Jack Strongitharm

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Integrating Revit and Robot Whitepaper Now Available on the iBooks Store

22/09/2014 - 15:28
Integrating Revit and Robot Whitepaper Now Available on the iBooks Store

Integrating Autodesk Revit and Robot Structural Analysis Professional Whitepaper is now available on the iBooks Store. This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac  or iPad, and with iTunes on your computer.

  This paper explores the interoperability between Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Revit Structure, and Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional software - including recommended workflows, analytical modeling best practices, and the details of data exchange between the solutions.

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Rebar Placement in 2D Views in Autodesk Revit 2015 R2

19/09/2014 - 16:36
Rebar Placement in 2D Views in Autodesk Revit 2015 R2

I would like to share with you my favorite structural enhancement which was made in Autodesk Revit 2015 R2.

Now it is possible to define rebars in beams and columns without a need to create additional sections.This feature improves the way of rebar definition in any host and gives the user great flexibility to define reinforcement in any 2D view.

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Autodesk Revit 2015 R2 is Available Now

17/09/2014 - 18:59
Autodesk Revit 2015 R2 is Available Now

Subscribers rejoice! Revit “R2” includes over 30 user-requested features that add powerful capabilities, enhance software performance and improve user productivity for architects, MEP and structural engineers.

In addition to addressing customer requests, the family of Revit R2 releases represents more value for Subscription customers who get access to the most current Revit technologies.

Learn more: Autodesk Revit 2015 Subscribers Get Slew of New Capabilities with “R2” Update

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Linking Autodesk Revit and Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Whitepaper Update

08/09/2014 - 15:38
Linking Autodesk Revit and Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Whitepaper Update

This whitepaper contains the updated information on the latest SMXX format as well as the analytical model enhancements in Autodesk Revit.
SMXX is the binary file format that contains information about the structural model.

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Save the date - the first Manchester UK AutoCAD Civil 3D User Group

28/08/2014 - 08:58
Save the date - the first Manchester UK AutoCAD Civil 3D User Group

Thursday 23rd October we will be holding the first Civil 3D user group in the UK.

A start up committee of dedicated users, supporting resellers and myself are pulling this group together and initially starting in Manchester for an evening gathering.

Watch this space for an invitation and more details.

Look forward to seeing you there

Jack Strongitharm

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Stairs and Railings with Autodesk Advance Steel

26/08/2014 - 15:08
Stairs and Railings with Autodesk Advance Steel

Autodesk Advance Steel has powerful tools for miscellaneous steel such as stairs and railings. In this video, you’ll see how easy the tools are to use to create simple or complex designs.

Learn more at

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