
[Job] [CDD] Géomaticien(ne) / Cartographe CITADIA - Paris (75)

Georezo.net - 15/10/2018 - 09:39

Géomaticien(ne) / Cartographe

CDD 6 mois
Poste basé à Paris

Envie de venir renforcer notre pôle SIG au côté de nos experts géomaticiens ?  Le groupe Citadia intervient sur les domaines clés de l'urbanisme : la planification et les études urbaines à toutes les échelles. Aujourd'hui, Citadia vous propose un CDD au sein de son agence de Paris.

Un poste en CDD de 6 mois
Au sein de de notre agence de Paris
A pourvoir dès maintenant

En tant que géomaticien(ne) / cartographe, vous participerez à la construction de diagnostics de territoire et à la production cartographique des différentes missions de l’agence :
- Récupérer, intégrer et gérer la donnée territoriale au sein de notre base de données
- Numériser, digitaliser, valoriser la donnée territoriale au service de nos études
- Réaliser des traitements géomatiques et statistiques dans le cadre de nos missions
- Produire des cartographies (sous SIG et Illustrator) d’analyse et d’enjeux territoriaux

Vous reconnaissez vous ?
- Master 2
- Des aptitudes graphiques et une bonne connaissance de la sémiologie cartographique
- Outils : QGiS, Illustrator

Ce que nous recherchons :
- Des esprits curieux des problématiques urbaines et environnementales
- Des personnes rigoureuses, autonomes et responsables

CDD 6 mois à temps plein (renouvelable)
Rémunération : suivant expérience et profil

Candidatures à l’attention de Vincent Ferrand, par mail à sigcitadia AT gmail.com sous la référence “CDD SIG / PARIS / Prénom Nom” (merci de ne pas compresser vos pièces jointes).

Catégories: Géomatique

[Job] [CDI] Géomaticien (H/F) - Perpignan (66)

Georezo.net - 15/10/2018 - 09:39

Adresse de l'expéditeur : drh AT altitudeinfra.fr

Nous recherchons un ou une géomaticien-ne pour intégrer notre pôle SIG, rattaché à la Direction Technique. Le pôle SIG aura pour missions de gérer et d'administrer l'ensemble des données ainsi que de fluidifier les process et les flux de données entre les différents acteurs de notre structure. Ce rôle d'interface est essentiel pour mener à bien l'ensemble du projet.

Les missions seront diverses telles que :

    La création et la gestion des données de réseaux FTTH ;
    La vérification de la cohérence et de la qualité des données SIG ;
    Le traitement et l'analyse de données cartographiques : corrections, transformations, évolutions ;
    L'alimentation de la base de données ;
    La création de planches cartographiques en lien avec les besoins des différents services ;
    Assister les chefs de projets et leur servir d'appui SIG ;
    L'apprentissage et l'utilisation des logiciels et données métiers tels que Netgéo et Grace THD ;
    L'amélioration des outils d'import et d'export des données SIG ;
    Le développement d'outils de traitement automatique des données ;

Compétences techniques souhaitées :

    Issu-e d'une formation supérieure en géomatique
    Maîtrise experte des concepts de la géographie et de QGIS ;
    Être à l'aise avec l'utilisation des bases de données PostGIS ;
    Notions de programmation ;
    Maîtrise des outils bureautiques ;
    La connaissance de FME est fortement souhaitée ;
    La connaissance du milieu des télécoms est un plus

Qualités personnelles souhaitées :

    Être force de proposition et de partage des connaissances ;
    Capacité de promouvoir des solutions en interne ;
    Fournir un travail d'équipe bienveillant et innovateur ;
    Être rigoureux vis-à-vis des contraintes structurelles et des spécifications imposées par l'ingénierie ;
    Capacités d'analyse, de synthèse et de restitution
    Une capacité de gestion de projet sera un atout pour mener à bien vos missions.

Catégories: Géomatique

[Géomatique] Re: Précis volume 3

Georezo.net - 15/10/2018 - 09:36
Nombre de message(s) précédent(s) : 1


Une panne de votre messagerie vous aura sans doute empêché de lire ma réponse déjà donnée la semaine dernière :
https://georezo.net/forum/viewtopic.php … 32#p313132

Cordial Chalom,

Catégories: Géomatique

[QGIS] Re: QGIS 3.2: Identifier tout puis copier les valeurs résultat

Georezo.net - 15/10/2018 - 09:26
Nombre de message(s) précédent(s) : 1


Le mieux reste d'utiliser l'outil de sélection afin de pouvoir enregistrer sous un format tableur.
(en cochant bien la case N'enregistrer que les entités sélectionnées).

Catégories: Géomatique

[Géo'BD] Re: [Postgis]Plpgsql Probleme EXECUTE UPDATE

Georezo.net - 15/10/2018 - 09:09
Nombre de message(s) précédent(s) : 2


Code:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION plm.test_update_geom() RETURNS varchar AS $$ DECLARE tgeom RECORD; BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'Ajout d''une colonne geom plus OGC....'; --- la clause where du select est utilisée pour gérer les exceptions des tables à deux colonnes geom. A vérifier si en prod il y aura ce problème FOR tgeom IN SELECT * FROM geometry_columns inner join information_schema.tables on table_schema = f_table_schema and table_name = f_table_name and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' where f_table_schema = 'plm' and f_table_name not in ('patrimoine_avap','test_gm_vers_qgis') LOOP -- ici peut-être modifié le searchpath pour simplifier les choses EXECUTE 'SET search_path TO '||tgeom.f_table_schema||', public'; RAISE NOTICE 'Mise à jour de la table % ...', quote_ident(tgeom.f_table_name); -- IF -- si la colonne est de type GEOMETRY -- si il y a plusieurs colonnes géométrie RAISE NOTICE 'suppression de la colonne the_geomtest des tables'; EXECUTE 'SELECT DropGeometryColumn ('|| quote_literal(tgeom.f_table_schema)||','|| quote_literal(tgeom.f_table_name)||',''the_geom_test'' '||')'; RAISE NOTICE 'colonne supprimée'; RAISE NOTICE 'SELECT AddGeometryColumn (%,%,''the_geom_test'',%,%,%,true);' , quote_literal(tgeom.f_table_schema), quote_literal(tgeom.f_table_name), quote_literal(tgeom.srid) , quote_literal(tgeom.type), quote_literal(tgeom.coord_dimension); EXECUTE 'SELECT AddGeometryColumn (' || quote_literal(tgeom.f_table_schema)||',' || quote_literal(tgeom.f_table_name)||',''the_geom_test'',' || quote_literal(tgeom.srid)||',' || quote_literal(tgeom.type)||',' || quote_literal(tgeom.coord_dimension)||',true)'; RAISE NOTICE 'colonne ajoutée'; RAISE NOTICE 'on s''occupe de l''index spatial'; EXECUTE 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS sidx_'||tgeom.f_table_name||'_the_geom_test_gist'; RAISE NOTICE 'CREATE INDEX %_the_geom_test_gist ON %.% USING gist (the_geom_test) TABLESPACE pg_default;' , quote_literal(tgeom.f_table_name), quote_literal(tgeom.f_table_schema), quote_literal(tgeom.f_table_name); EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX sidx_'||tgeom.f_table_name||'_the_geom_test_gist ON ' ||quote_ident(tgeom.f_table_schema)||'.'||quote_ident(tgeom.f_table_name)|| ' USING gist (the_geom_test) TABLESPACE pg_default'; RAISE NOTICE 'index créé'; RAISE NOTICE 'copie des géométries dans la nouvelle colonne'; EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' ||quote_ident(tgeom.f_table_schema) ||'.'||quote_ident(tgeom.f_table_name) ||' SET the_geom_test = ' ||quote_ident(tgeom.f_table_name) ||'.'||quote_ident(tgeom.f_geometry_column); RAISE NOTICE 'données copiées'; --END END LOOP; RAISE NOTICE 'Mise à jour terminée'; RETURN 'Mise à jour terminée'; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

J'ai essayé


Cela me renvoie une erreur 'quote_ident est un type inconnu...'
J'avoue mon grand désarroi.
Pour info, je suis en pgis 2.34 et en postgre 9.6.

Catégories: Géomatique

[Job] [CDD Interim] Cartographe / Sigiste - Aubière (63)

Georezo.net - 15/10/2018 - 08:45

Description de l’offre :

Nature du poste : Cartographe / Sigiste
Entreprise : Enedis, site d’Aubière (63)
Type de contrat : CDD intérim de 3 mois renouvelable jusqu’à 15 mois maximum, 35h/semaine
Date de prise de fonction : mi- novembre

Détails de la mission :

Enedis recherche un cartographe/sigiste, dans le cadre de projets d’amélioration de la qualité de sa base de  données cartographiques.
Le poste à pourvoir consiste à mettre à jour et/ou à contrôler la qualité de la base de donnée patrimoniale des réseaux électriques à partir d’outils spécifiques à l’Entreprise, ainsi que d’assurer la traçabilité des opérations dans les outils de gestion.

Profil recherché :

De formation Bac +5 dans le domaine du SIG ou des DAO/CAO avec une bonne connaissance des spécificités de l’information géographique.
La pratique des outils de type DAO/CAO, en particulier MicroStation, serait un plus
Sérieux(se), motivée(e) et organisé(e) avec un bon sens relationnel et l’esprit d’équipe. 

Pour postuler :

Merci d’adresser votre CV avant le 26/10/18 à l’adresse suivante : audrey-externe.martinat-canifet AT enedis-grdf.fr

Catégories: Géomatique

[Données] Re: Table de passage Insee

Georezo.net - 15/10/2018 - 08:09
Nombre de message(s) précédent(s) : 7


Merci pour le lien.

En revanche pour la troisième ressource, il y a un soucis dans le descriptif :

Le fichier historique des communes relate les changements de nom, les créations, les disparitions et les changements de département intervenus pour la France métropolitaine et les départements d'outre-mer (Dom) depuis 1943 de façon exhaustive.

Je trouve pas le département '20', qui a existé, et je trouve 2A et 2B qui n'existent plus (enfin on ne sait plus, il n'y a plus de département au sens politique et institutionnel, mais au sens administration ça existe encore). Pour les communes l'information est effectivement exhaustive depuis 1943.

Catégories: Géomatique

[Job] [CDI] Consultant géomatique junior - Paris (75)

Georezo.net - 15/10/2018 - 07:41

Mille-Alliance (www.mille-alliance.fr) est un cabinet de conseil en management et en organisation. Nous recrutons en CDI un cartographe/géomaticien pour répondre aux besoins de nos organisations clientes sur des missions de service publique dans le secteur des énergies et des transports.

Que fera le cartographe/géomaticien chez Mille-Alliance ?
En tant qu’expert géomaticien dans notre cabinet, vous évoluerez dans un premier temps sur un poste d’appui aux pilotes opérationnels d’application sur des outils SIG utilisés par des gestionnaires de réseau : gestion des grandes échelles, des moyennes échelles, outils en mobilité (apps), gestion des fonds de plans (cadastre et orthophotoplans).
Vous serez chargé :
• d'organiser, animer et réaliser les tests des SIG sur lesquels vous travaillerez
• de mener des études et diagnostics auprès des utilisateurs
• de récolter leurs besoins, les synthétiser et les instruire
• de faire du reporting

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?
• Votre expertise sera reconnue au sein de notre cabinet, majoritairement composé de consultants issus de formations généralistes (écoles d’ingénieur et de commerce)
• Nous établissons une relation de confiance sur le long terme avec nos clients et vous suivez les projets dans toutes leurs phases jusqu’à leur aboutissement
• Vous serez encadré par un consultant expérimenté en management, vous apprendrez les bases du conseil et serez formé de manière personnalisée tout au long de votre parcours à des méthodologies, des savoir-faire et des savoir-être indispensables à notre métier. Nous suivons aussi des formations délivrées par des organismes certifiés sur des sujets précis comme l’expression en public ou l’animation de réunion.
• Vous aurez l’opportunité d’évoluer vers les métiers du conseil (gestion de projet, conduite du changement, AMOA SI, …) ou de poursuivre votre spécialisation en géomatique et cartographie. Nos consultants géomaticiens sont aujourd’hui chefs de projet et Product Owner en Agilité.
• Nous sommes un cabinet à taille humaine, ce qui permet à tout un chacun de lier des relations personnelles avec ses collègues et de facilement communiquer avec tous les niveaux de hiérarchie.
• Chacun participe à hauteur de ses envies à la vie interne du cabinet. Recrutement, veille métier, rédaction d’articles pour notre newsletter, organisation du séminaire annuel ou d’activités pour le cabinet : les occasions de s’impliquer sont nombreuses et les initiatives encouragées
• Nos missions se situent principalement à Paris et en Ile-de-France et les horaires de travail nous permettent de conserver un équilibre vie privée / vie professionnelle.
• Nous proposons une rémunération attractive

Quel type de profil ?

Nous recherchons des candidats de niveau Master ayant une solide base technique en géomatique, curieux, ouverts et dotés d’un esprit d’initiative et de synthèse suffisamment développés pour aller chercher les informations auprès des commanditaires.

Comment postuler ?

Envoyez votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) ou vos questions à pierre.jarnet AT mille-alliance.fr.

A savoir : Nous accordons de l’importance à la personnalisation de votre candidature et à la justification de votre intérêt pour Mille-Alliance.

Catégories: Géomatique

Topcon and Bentley strengthen constructioneering initiatives and programs

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

Constructioneering Academies expand insights, create change 

LONDON – The Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference – October 15, 2018 – Topcon Positioning Group, a world leader in positioning technology for the survey and construction industries, and Bentley Systems, the leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, announce new developments in the constructioneering workflow initiative.

Constructioneering Academy
The Bentley Year in Infrastructure Conference 2018 (YII) marks the first anniversary of the launch of the Constructioneering Academy initiative of Topcon and the Bentley Institute. The program has been held in multiple locations across North America and Australia throughout the first year and now expands into Europe with the first London-based Constructioneering Academy, part of the YII.

“The Constructioneering Academies are filled with a mix of professionals from companies, governmental agencies and organizations who are involved in putting important infrastructure projects into motion and seeing them through to completion. The uniqueness of the dialogue taking place among participants, representing more than 80 organizations in the first year, cannot be overstated,” said Ewout Korpershoek, executive vice president of Topcon Positioning Group. “The program’s educational and collaborative atmosphere is creating awareness of potential productivity gaps that can be encountered on a project, and how those gaps can be filled, resulting in a paradigm shift in how work can be accomplished.”

Alan Lamont, Bentley Systems’ vice president for Digital Advancement Academies, said, “The active participation and feedback that we have experienced during the various Constructioneering Academy events have been very informative and encouraging. The level of interest and feedback demonstrate that there is a clear need for automated digital workflows between design and construction to help project teams be more efficient and avoid mistakes. We look forward to expanding the reach of Constructioneering Academies to other geographic locations.”

“We are looking forward to building upon the success of the inaugural year of the Constructioneering Academy,” said Ron Oberlander, vice president of Global Professional Services for Topcon Positioning Group. “The industry needs these types of programs as a catalyst to drive digital automation adoption. A key part of the initiative is the interaction of field and office professionals from the ‘front lines’ and we are excited to provide this opportunity to professionals around the world.

“We believe the Constructioneering Academies are truly fostering progress. For the industry to be successful in meeting future infrastructure demands, we have to change the mindsets and processes on how we approach construction. What Topcon and Bentley have initiated and will continue to evolve is an exciting journey to help shape that change,” Oberlander said.

As additional dates and locations for the Constructioneering Academy become available, they will be provided at constructioneering.com/academy.

Integration agreement
As part of the ongoing constructioneering initiative, the companies have signed an agreement that will integrate the Topcon point cloud and 3D mesh service, MAGNET Collage Web, with the Bentley ContextCapture Cloud Processing Service. The Bentley cloud service enables operators to upload UAV imagery direct-to-web without the need for high-end hardware requirements or IT constraints. Topcon instrument, control systems and software users will benefit from an industry-leading, cloud-based photogrammetric engine for fast generation of 3D engineering-ready reality meshes and digital surface models.

Ted Lamboo, senior vice president of Bentley’s strategic partnerships, said, “We are very pleased with Topcon’s expanded commitment, through MAGNET Collage Web integration, to Bentley’s ContextCapture reality modeling cloud services. Now, all of Topcon’s positioning technologies can help to continuously survey a site’s digital context, synchronizing project digital twins to make constructioneering even more compelling.”

“The agreement for a web-based integrated workflow solution is an excellent example of the ongoing collaboration of Topcon and Bentley to simplify and speed up digital construction workflows,” Korpershoek said. “Through our partnership, we are continuously working together to create new solutions to improve survey, engineering, and construction processes.”

About Topcon Positioning Group
Topcon Positioning Group is headquartered in Livermore, California, U.S. (topconpositioning.com). Its European head office is in Capelle a/d IJssel, the Netherlands. Topcon Positioning Group designs, manufactures and distributes precision measurement and workflow solutions for the global construction, geospatial and agriculture markets. Its brands include Topcon, Sokkia, Tierra, Digi-Star, RDS Technology, and NORAC. Topcon Corporation (topcon.com), founded in 1932, is traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (7732). 

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2012. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers. Bentley shares transact by invitation on the NASDAQ Private Market; strategic partner Siemens AG has accumulated a non-voting minority stake.

About Constructioneering
Constructioneering automates digital construction processes through surveying, engineering design, constructible model development, and as-built data collection within a connected data environment to improve construction execution and reduce project costs.

About Constructioneering Academy
The Constructioneering Academy is designed to educate civil design build professionals on the digital construction process. Attendees will learn how they can leverage mass data, digital cameras, design models, and automated machine control to win more work and execute their next project more efficiently.

# # #

Press Contact:
Topcon Positioning Group
Staci Fitzgerald, +1 925-245-8610

Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

Siemens and Bentley Systems announce PlantSight digital twin cloud services

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

  • Solution enables up-to-date, as-operated digital twins − synchronizing the real plant and its engineering representations − for more efficient process plant operations
  • Integration of different kinds of data sources to create holistic digital context for aligned digital components

LONDON, U.K. The Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference 15 October 2018 – Siemens and Bentley Systems announced today the introduction of PlantSight, resulting from development together based on their highly complementary software portfolios. PlantSight is a digital solution to benefit customers through more efficient plant operations. PlantSight enables as-operated and up-to-date digital twins which synchronize with both physical reality and engineering data, creating a holistic digital context for consistently understood digital components across disparate data sources, for any operating plant. Plant operators benefit from high trustworthiness and quality of information for continuous operational readiness and more reliability.

Every real-world operating plant is characterized by cumulative evolution, both to its brownfield physical condition and to the varied types and formats of theoretically corresponding engineering data. Accordingly, as-operated digital twins must reliably synchronize reflections of both the physical reality and its virtual engineering representations, comprehensively and accurately. Moreover, further frequent changes are inevitable. With PlantSight, every process plant owner-operator can realize the benefits of as-operated digital twins – without disruption to their existing physical or virtual environment.

For process industries, characterized by ongoing capital projects, the effectiveness of digital twins depends upon the integrity and accessibility of as-operated information presented and continuously updated in trusted 2D schematic and 3D model formats. PlantSight provides all stakeholders with cloud/web-enabled visibility and access into existing data and tool interfaces, assuring that changes are timely and accurately captured and managed.

With PlantSight as-operated digital twin cloud services, operational and project-related engineering data is aligned seamlessly. All disciplines and stakeholders have immediate access to consistent representations. Especially for brownfield installations, the time and effort to federate and complete asset information will be significantly reduced, with plant documentation kept up to date, and its quality accordingly improved.

Greg Bentley, CEO for Bentley Systems, said, “From the start of Bentley Systems’ strategic alliance with Siemens, we have together seen our development of PlantSight as having perhaps the most significance for our marketplace. Siemens’ announced combination of its digital offerings for discrete and process plants enables our bringing together, through a cloud service, the complementary elements of COMOS, OpenPlant, MindSphere, and Teamcenter. PlantSight can now realize the process industries’ top priority in ‘going digital’— the digital twin enablement of their operating plant engineering!”

“With PlantSight, we’re stepping up our cooperation with Bentley and extending the possibilities offered by data utilization for the process industry. This joint solution based on the complementary know-how of Bentley and Siemens represents a key step towards making digital twins even more efficient and creating a digitally integrated value chain, which offers even greater consistency. In this way, we’re continuously enlarging our Digital Enterprise portfolio by embracing future technologies,” said Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Management Board of Siemens AG.

Valentijn de Leeuw, Vice President ARC Advisory Group, said, “I believe that Siemens’ and Bentley’s newly-developed PlantSight services will establish a foundation for next-generation asset information and performance management. For as-operated digital twins, this augments the actual plant by integrating operational data with operational intelligence dashboards, immersive operator training simulation, and links with applications such as process simulation, asset strategy, and reliability. The benefits of the environment will increase with the number of microservices provided.”

Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a global technology powerhouse that has stood for engineering excellence, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality for 170 years. The company is active around the globe, focusing on the areas of electrification, automation and digitization. One of the world's largest producers of energy-efficient, resource-saving technologies, Siemens is a leading supplier of efficient power generation and power transmission solutions and a pioneer in infrastructure solutions as well as automation, drive and software solutions for industry. The company with its listed subsidiary Siemens Healthineers AG is also a leading provider of medical imaging equipment – such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging systems – and a leader in laboratory diagnostics as well as clinical IT. In fiscal 2017, which ended on September 30, 2017, Siemens generated revenue of €83.0 billion and net income of €6.2 billion. At the end of September 2017, Siemens had around 377,000 employees worldwide. Further information is available on the Internet at www.siemens.com.

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2012. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers. Bentley shares transact by invitation on the NASDAQ Private Market; strategic partner Siemens AG has accumulated a non-voting minority stake.

About the PlantSight Vision
PlantSight coalesces project digital twins, and control systems digital twins, and will soon extend to performance digital twins, and component product digital twins.

PlantSight mirrors the physical plant through “continuous” surveys and reality modeling cloud services. Overlapping photographs and (as needed) supplemental laser scans, from UAVs and ground-level imagery, are processed to generate spatially-classified and engineering-ready reality meshes—the plant’s digital context, within which can be geospatially located each tagged component.

To synchronize with the plant’s evolving engineering data, Bentley and Siemens COMOS teams worked together to create PlantSight’sConnected Data Environment (CDE). It includes information bridges from engineering models and an integration hub to accomplish the required semantic alignment for digital components (including their tag designations). PlantSight’s CDE is also populated by pertinent data from other sources, such as project deliverables and control systems inputs, to the degree referenced through digital component tags. 

For engineers in operating plants, the value of an as-operated digital twin is determined by the accessibility and integrity of information that can be presented, and edited, in trusted formats of schematics and 3D models. PlantSight, through its new cloud service and web interface, takes advantage of the complementarity, proven engineering robustness and intelligence of COMOS and OpenPlant, fully integrating functional and spatial modeling. For the first time, engineers on site can have both accessible existing data, and accessible tool interfaces, to assure that as-operated changes are timely and accurately captured and managed through PlantSight’s ledger of changes, for assured fidelity.

Just as significantly, the as-operated digital twin, through the cloud accessibility and securely open architecture of its CDE, provides immersive visibility throughout the operating plant lifecycle, including mixed-reality visualization of all information, and even more importantly, digital visibility for machine learning and analytics.

PlantSight digital twin cloud services will be marketed separately by both Siemens and Bentley, and early adopters are now being selected. The companies are now working to add to PlantSight state-of-the-art asset performance modeling (APM) capabilities, to make the most of services based on Siemens’ MindSphere IoT operating system. For manufactured digital components, Siemens’ Teamcenter PLM will provide immersive access to product digital twins for simulation and remediation.


Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, MicroStation, OpenPlant, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. PlantSight is a trademark of Siemens AG and Siemens PLMS Inc. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

Siemens and Bentley Systems Announce Integrated Asset Performance Management (APM) Solution for Power Plants

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

Combines Bentley’s advanced asset performance software capabilities and Siemens’ complementary power generation expertise to deliver enhanced equipment 
availability, reliability, and cost efficiency 

LONDON, U.K. The Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference 15 October 2018 – Siemens and Bentley Systems have announced a joint technology and service solution, consisting of their complementary offerings, to speed up the digitalization of power plants and provide intelligent analytics with a range of innovative offerings and managed services solutions. The new service, to be hosted on Siemens’ cloud-based open IoT operating system, MindSphere, will combine Bentley’s advanced asset performance software capabilities with Siemens’ complementary technology and service expertise to empower power plant owners to take full advantage of digitalization, which helps improve maintenance operations and planning.

Siemens’ asset performance management (APM) solution, part of the company’s Omnivise digital solutions portfolio, covers the entire power plant, including the combustion and steam turbines as well as associated generators and pumps, motors, transformers, valves, switchgears, and other equipment that affects plant reliability and performance. Using intelligent models based on predictive analytics, the solution takes data from multiple sources, applies domain and analytical expertise, and then seamlessly integrates into a customer’s existing Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)/Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) environment to improve maintenance planning, reduce outages, and increase workforce efficiency.

APM service solutions are tailored to each organization’s unique needs, based on variable factors such as plant configuration, on-site resources, equipment expertise, and plant operations and maintenance strategy. The scope of options ranges from on-premises installation or cloud-based MindSphere hosting, to turnkey set-up of APM – complete with Siemens asset models – to APM as a service, with a fully integrated managed service solution set up and run remotely by Siemens power plant experts.

Laura Anderson, head of the Siemens Power Generation Services Controls and Digitalization business, said, “APM for Power Plants is evidence of the benefits this strategic alliance brings to our customers. By combining Siemens’ and Bentley’s complementary and proven areas of expertise, this innovative offering will help our customers manage costs, improve reliability, and increase the performance and availability of their thermal power infrastructure.”

Greg Bentley, CEO, Bentley, said, “We’re excited to be delivering, in this case for power plant owners, operational advantages made uniquely possible by our work with Siemens to leverage IoT and performance digital twins. In effect, we are together advancing APM towards asset performance modeling—where our engineering technologies (ET) compound the value of IT and operations technologies (OT).”

Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a global technology powerhouse that has stood for engineering excellence, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality for 170 years. The company is active around the globe, focusing on the areas of electrification, automation and digitalization. One of the world’s largest producers of energy-efficient, resource-saving technologies, Siemens is a leading supplier of efficient power generation and power transmission solutions and a pioneer in infrastructure solutions as well as automation, drive and software solutions for industry. The company is also a leading provider of medical imaging equipment – such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging systems – and a leader in laboratory diagnostics as well as clinical IT. In fiscal 2017, which ended on September 30, 2017, Siemens generated revenue of €83.0 billion and net income of €6.2 billion. At the end of September 2017, the company had around 377,000 employees worldwide. Further information is available on the Internet at www.siemens.com.

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2012. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers. Bentley shares transact by invitation on the NASDAQ Private Market; strategic partner Siemens AG has accumulated a non-voting minority stake.


Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, MicroStation, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. 

Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

Bentley Advances Industrialization of Infrastructure Project Delivery Through ProjectWise Integration with Microsoft 365

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

Automating digital workflows to replicate best projects’ successes!

LONDON, U.K. The Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference 15 October 2018 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated announced the general availability of integration between ProjectWise 365 Services and Microsoft 365. The collaboration capabilities of Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Flow, alongside analytics from Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Power BI, can now be applied to mainstream automated digital workflows within ProjectWise. The integration will enable collaborative digital workflows that transcend system boundaries throughout infrastructure capital project delivery, ensuring standards and best practices are propagated across projects, and increasing repeatability, scalability, quality, and predictability—in effect, industrializing project delivery, so that project teams can widely replicate their best projects’ successes.

Neil Lee, IT Director - Applications, Mott MacDonald, said, “The integration of ProjectWise and Microsoft Office 365 will be a significant enabler for our ongoing digital strategy for project delivery. Our evaluation of the integration capability against the typical demands of our project teams demonstrated that Bentley and Microsoft are fulfilling the vision of enabling more seamless and automated digital workflows for project teams to access project information residing in either Office 365 or ProjectWise. Our project teams will be enabled to drive improved project outcomes with more streamlined collaboration that enables faster and more informed decisions.”

ProjectWise 365 Services also embrace every project stakeholder, connected through Microsoft’s Azure cloud service and Bentley’s new integrated web-based PDF review and markup. Bentley’s Azure-based Connected Data Environment (CDE) uniquely enables digital workflows to reach throughout the project and asset lifecycle. Now every level of the extended team can have assured and secure access to the correct and current project deliverables—including for collaboration through automated digital workflows. 

ProjectWise 365 Services include ProjectWise Project Insights, enabling proactive project management with automated “right-time” project status dashboards that help identify trends and potential issues early to mitigate risks. Project Insights deliver rich and actionable project execution insights, and leveraging Microsoft Power BI, users can combine design status with financial, schedule, and other project information for a comprehensive view of project performance.

AECOM, a premier, fully integrated global infrastructure firm, is an early adopter of ProjectWise 365 across its enterprise. Norris Spencer, Highways Information Manager, AECOM, said, “ProjectWise Project Insights is delivering a new perspective to leadership and project management as the dashboards provide unique views of information management practices and Building Information Model health across the CDE.” Elizabeth Berna, Information Manager, AECOM, added, “Our project managers also use the dashboards to identify trends in project performance providing the client with new ways of assessing project health.”

Noah Eckhouse, senior vice president of Project Delivery, Bentley Systems, said, “We thank the early adopters of ProjectWise 365 Services for their guidance and feedback. This integration with Microsoft 365 brings automated digital workflows to the extended project team and will help users replicate best practices across a team’s projects. And significantly, now ProjectWise users can add Bentley’s new Azure-based iTwinServices, taking advantage of automated digital workflows within ProjectWise to align and synchronize project digital twins for continuous and comprehensive status reviews.”

Ron Markezich, corporate vice president, Microsoft Office 365 Commercial, Microsoft Corp., said, “The extended integration between ProjectWise and Microsoft Office 365 helps project delivery organizations in going digital, empowering their organizations to improve project productivity and deliver better outcomes.” 

At Microsoft Inspire 2018, Microsoft’s annual conference for its partner community, Bentley Systems was awarded as Microsoft’s “2018 CityNext Partner of the Year.” Bentley’s SYNCHRO 4D construction modeling software was featured in the Mixed Reality and the Cloud session. With SYNCHRO’s digital workflows, constructors don’t need to recreate 3D construction models from scratch, which would have orphaned the BIM models created during design. ProjectWise, with Teams and Flow, will automate digital workflows for construction planning to leverage the BIM intelligence. This immersive environment for visibility into the path and sequence of construction completes the reach for project delivery. Microsoft and Bentley are working together on further HoloLens applications for ProjectWise and SYNCHRO to be introduced later in the year.

About ProjectWise
ProjectWise is the industry standard for digital project delivery and is used by 70 percent of Engineering News-Record’s Top 250 Design Firms in the design and engineering of all types of infrastructure assets.

Leveraging the scalability, reliability, and security of Microsoft Azure and the collaboration capabilities of Microsoft 365, ProjectWise provides assured access to project information for extended project teams throughout the entire project delivery lifecycle; automates BIM workflows for work sharing, design review, issues resolution, and contractual deliverables; and provides performance insights for better informed and more timely decisions. To learn more, visit www.Bentley.com/ProjectWise.

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2012. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers. Bentley shares transact by invitation on the NASDAQ Private Market; strategic partner Siemens AG has accumulated a non-voting minority stake.


Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, Connected Data Environment, iTwin, MicroStation, SYNCHRO, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

Bentley Systems Acquires LEGION, Leading Pedestrian Simulation Software

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

With new OpenBuildings Station Designer, enables unprecedented collaborative digital workflows to fully model pedestrian traffic in transportation design  

LONDON, U.K. The Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference 15 October 2018 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced the acquisition of leading pedestrian simulation software provider LEGION, based in London and supporting more than half of the world’s 40 largest transit agencies. The acquisition augments Bentley’s comprehensive modeling environment with collaborative digital workflows to explore and validate comparative simulations of pedestrian traffic scenarios.

LEGION’s pedestrian simulation application offers modeling capabilities of people’s interactions with each other and physical obstacles, and activities, including circulation and evacuations, within public spaces like railway stations, airports, sports arenas, tall buildings, and street level with vehicle interactions. Using LEGION simulation tools in collaborative digital workflows with Bentley’s OpenBuildings Designer (formerly AECOsim Building Designer), architects, engineers and owners can consider pedestrian traffic in their conceptioneering of design alternatives. The newly announced OpenBuildings Station Designer will enable collaborative digital workflows to fully model pedestrian activities and journeys to and from trains, platforms, and through stations.

Santanu Das, senior vice president of design engineering for Bentley Systems, said, “Because pedestrian traffic and capacity are major concerns for infrastructure planning and operations, collaborative digital workflows for pedestrian simulation need to be prioritized during design. Taking advantage of LEGION’s innovative pedestrian modeling capabilities throughout Bentley’s comprehensive modeling environment will enable better decisions to improve pedestrian circulation, throughput, and overall safety. That’s a great example of the collaborative digital workflows that our open applications, such as OpenBuildings, uniquely support.”

LEGION founder, Douglas Connor, said, “Pedestrian flows should be considered fundamental design criteria for infrastructure assets like train stations or airports which are intrinsically meant to serve the needs of pedestrians. We’re excited to join with Bentley to provide designers, engineers, and owners with pedestrian simulation applications that are integrated with market leading design modeling offerings. Next, we can advance LEGION’s “Science in Motion” vision to incorporate pedestrian simulation quite cohesively—from the strategic and capital planning of an infrastructure project, throughout its design, subsequent retrofits, and into asset operations.”

Samya Ghosh, head-urban space; regional director, transportation (Europe, Middle East, India, and Africa) for global infrastructure firm AECOM, said, “The urban space team of AECOM, based in the UK, has been using LEGION software for various crowd modeling projects for more than 10 years—in numerous national and international projects. The crowd modeling is primarily undertaken to provide an evidence base for wider evaluation of existing and proposed rail infrastructure, public realm, sports venue and major event planning, and design or refurbishment of large institutions. The LEGION software is widely accepted among clients for pedestrian micro-simulation modeling which our professionals use to analyze and inform designs and masterplans. In our recent projects, it has been increasingly important to integrate the pedestrian modeling with BIM and in this respect, I consider the merger of Bentley and LEGION will open up a huge potential.”

Founded in 1997, LEGION is a world-leading developer of pedestrian simulation software. The scientifically validated software accurately simulates and analyzes people’s step-by-step journey through rail/metro stations, stadia, shopping malls and airports. Designers and owners use it to model, test and deliver operational, commercial, footfall, wayfinding, crowd management, and safety strategies. LEGION simulation is based on extensive research of people’s behavior in real contexts. As it microscopically accounts for individual decision making, crowd formation and patterns of movement emerge naturally. More about LEGION.

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2012. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers. Bentley shares transact by invitation on the NASDAQ Private Market; strategic partner Siemens AG has accumulated a non-voting minority stake.


Bentley, the Bentley logo, AECOsim Building Designer, AssetWise, LEGION, MicroStation, OpenBuildings Designer, OpenBuildings Station Designer, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. 

Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

Bentley Acquires Agency9 to Realize Digital Twins for Every City

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

OpenCities Planner takes advantage of city-scale reality modeling to span GIS and BIM   

LONDON, U.K. The Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference 15 October 2018 – Bentley Systems Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced the acquisition of Agency9, based in Stockholm. Agency9 has already provided nearly half of Sweden’s larger municipalities with city-scale digital twin cloud services for city planning and related web-based 3D visualization. Since 2012, Agency9 has taken advantage of reality meshes created by Bentley’s ContextCapture reality modeling software as the digital context for visualizing urban infrastructure assets represented in GIS data, terrain surveys, and BIM models. Bentley’s new iTwin™ cloud services, introduced at the conference, add digital alignment and change synchronization for infrastructure engineering digital twins, and will enable OpenCities Planner (formerly Agency9 CityPlanner)to uniquely serve urban planning requirements at fuller levels of detail.

Phil Christensen, Bentley’s senior vice president, reality modeling said, “Our many city users globally have been asking for the useful capabilities which Agency9 has successfully implemented throughout Sweden, to take further advantage of their reality modeling programs. In fact, when we combine Bentley ContextCapture’s 3D surveying advancements (based on hybrid aerial, UAV, and ground-based imagery) with our Connected Data Environment (CDE) technologies for geospatial-to-BIM integration, we make city-scale digital twins as a cloud service broadly accessible. Ultimately synchronizing reality and ‘virtuality,’ OpenCities Planner offers the perfect web solution to enable every city in going digital.”

Håkan Engman, CEO of Agency9, said, “Now that we’re part of Bentley, we’re confident about achieving the full global potential of Agency9’s innovations. My colleagues and I, and our forward-thinking users in the Nordics, have been noted for pushing the envelope of geospatial integration and visual performance to new levels of detail. Now, as contributors toward unique city-scale digital twin cloud services from Bentley, we can foresee the realization of our users’ vision to advance from urban planning to improving cities’ asset performance.”

About Agency9
Agency9 is a leading provider of web and mobile solutions for 3D visualization of geographic information and maps for collaboration and communication. The company was established in 2003 and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. www.agency9.com

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2012. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers. Bentley shares transact by invitation on the NASDAQ Private Market; strategic partner Siemens AG has accumulated a non-voting minority stake.


Bentley, the Bentley logo, Agency9, AssetWise, MicroStation, ContextCapture, iTwin, OpenCities Planner, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

Atos and Bentley Systems Announce Strategic Partnership to Create Digital Twins for Owner-operators of Industrial and Infrastructure Assets

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

LONDON, U.K. The Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference 15 October 2018 – Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, and Bentley Systems, the leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced a strategic partnership through which they will offer a complete solution to create and operate Digital Twins on behalf of industry and infrastructure asset owners.

Atos’ global experience and expertise in digital transformation together with Bentley’s infrastructure, engineering, reality modeling and asset performance software portfolio will enable businesses to take advantage of fully-integrated and managed Digital Twins as a cloud-based service.

This new offering will support owner-operators meet their business KPIs through the following features and benefits:

  • Full immersive visibility of assets – with up-to-date 3D models of assets via drone-enabled scans
  • Real-time monitoring – to predict asset performance and avoid failures
  • Performance analysis to maximize asset availability, increase productivity, ensure optimum performance and ultimately extend life of asset in field
  • Remote operation of assets – in the case of dangerous or inaccessible assets
  • Operational training (for immersive VR environments)
  • Supports decision-making on asset operational strategies

Markus Schaffhauser, Atos Global Business and Platform Solutions CTO, said, “We have been impressed at the capabilities of Bentley’s software and how well it meshes with our expertise in digital transformation, to now deliver innovative services for industrial and infrastructure asset owners. The Atos-Bentley partnership has gotten off to a faststart, and I am convinced that our digital twin services will be of tremendous value to owners.”

CEO of Bentley Systems, Greg Bentley, said, “I believe that our collaboration with Atos can help owner-operators to really jump-start their ‘going digital’ ambitions, enabling and taking advantage of both immersive visualization and analytical visibility. Atos’ vast expertise in digital data integration, along with their global reach, make them the ideal partner for digital twin cloud services.”

Bentley and Atos have previously worked together on several manufacturing client projects, which brought together Atos’ expertise in system integration and data capture and analytics with Bentley’s reality modelling software.

This partnership was initiated through the Atos and Siemens Global Strategic Alliance, which maximizes the combined strength of Siemens’ products and solutions with Atos’ experience and expertise in enabling IT services to support their digital transformation, notably in the field of IoT services, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. In 2016, Bentley Systems also entered into a Strategic Alliance with Siemens to enlarge their respective offerings for infrastructure and industry to the benefit of the end-customers. Since that time, Bentley and Siemens have jointly invested in the development of new solutions including for digitalization of discrete and process manufacturing, power transmission and distribution, railway engineering, and power generation.

About Atos
Atos is a global leader in digital transformation with approximately 100,000 employees in 73 countries and annual revenue of around € 12 billion. European number one in Big Data, Cybersecurity, High Performance Computing and Digital Workplace, the Group provides Cloud services, Infrastructure & Data Management, Business & Platform solutions, as well as transactional services through Worldline, the European leader in the payment industry. With its cutting-edge technologies, digital expertise and industry knowledge, Atos supports the digital transformation of its clients across various business sectors: Defence, Financial Services, Health, Manufacturing, Media, Energy & Utilities, Public sector, Retail, Telecommunications and Transportation. The Group is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic & Paralympic Games and operates under the brands Atos, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldgrid, Bull, Canopy, Unify and Worldline. Atos SE (Societas Europaea) is listed on the CAC40 Paris stock index. More about Atos

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2012. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers. Bentley shares transact by invitation on the NASDAQ Private Market; strategic partner Siemens AG has accumulated a non-voting minority stake.


Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, MicroStation, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. 

Contacts for journalists:

Bentley Systems
Jennifer Maguire
Phone: +1 610 458 2695
Email: jennifer.maguire@bentley.com

Laura Fau
Phone: +33 (0) 6 73 64 04 18
Email: laura.fau@atos.net

Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

Immersive Digital Twins Helps China Shanghai Railway Engineering Establish New Practices to Deliver Sewage Treatment Plant

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

The Beihu Sewage Treatment Plant project is located on the east side of the intersection of Tengfei Avenue and Bajifu Road in the Wuhan Chemical New Area. Its coverage area includes about 130 square kilometers of the Shahu, Erlang Temple, Luobuzui, and Baiyushan sewage systems and serves 2.48 million people. Covering 532,000 square meters, the Beihu sewage treatment plant will initially treat 800,000 tons of sewage daily and eventually reach a final production rate of 1.5 million tons per day. The new plant is the largest scale sewage treatment plant ever built in China and in greater Asia.

China Railway Shanghai Engineering Bureau (CRSEB) is responsible for constructing the main structure of each unit and the pipeline installation work in the factory. This scope includes civil design of more than 31 buildings, ranging from pump rooms to distribution wells, multiple tanks, and other related treatment equipment. Eleven major categories of electromechanical pipelines are covered by the project engineering requirements. There are major challenges in this project that require highly efficient and controlled design and project management practices to deliver it successfully. Some of the requirements include managing the deformation, shrinkage, and cracking of highly sensitive biological and membrane pools, while accounting for the difficulty of controlling the impermeability of concrete. Minimizing field rework to place the numerous reserved holes and pre-embedded bushings across multiple structures is a monumental challenge requiring robust methods and standards.

To achieve the stringent requirements of the project, CRSEB turned to BIM methodologies to establish a digital twin of the sewage treatment plant. Incorporating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to capture photos of the existing site extended the information-based digital twin to an immersive one. Leveraging the immersive digital twin establishes more reliable engineering workflows, such as rebar modeling. Using the graphical representation of the digital twin helped improve methods for managing project progress and cost and enhance the execution and safety of on-site construction.

CRSEB’s implementation of BIM methodologies combined with Bentley’s OpenBuildings Designer, ContextCapture, ProStructures, and LumenRT resulted in tremendous ROI for this project. Construction durations were shortened by using UAVs and ContextCapture to support calculating the number of earthworks required by seven-to-10 days per square kilometer, resulting in a RMB 310,000 savings for this calculation alone. Likewise, the immersive digital twin, used with ProStructures for advanced calculations, helped ensure that the delicate and highly sensitive pool walls were more easily constructed, saving the project an estimated RMB 2.3 million. Changing the mode of design and construction of rebar saved an additional RMB 1.71 million, while also shortening the construction schedule by 25 days. And, in construction, the immersive digital twin was used to educate the on-site teams, shortening construction by an additional 121 days due to improvements in efficiency, saving another RMB 1.27 million.

The success of this project has enabled CRSEB to transform the way it does business. Lei Huang, a senior executive with CRESB, said, “Based on the way we applied Bentley software, certain technological advancements in this corporate water environment protection project have been obtained. By combining project features in the current phase, our company will further promote the application of BIM technology.”

The results CRSEB achieved on this project have laid the groundwork for the engineering bureau to look for more opportunities to advance their digital maturity. This includes research and development in areas such as structural live-action modeling technologies to build intelligent construction sites, making multi-aspect data acquisition by combining various sensors and sharing information and realizing application of digital construction sites. By adopting BIM methodologies and industrializing their project delivery methods using immersive digital twins and Bentley technology, CSREB has built a foundation for future success.

Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

Suez Water Technologies & Solutions Leverages Digital DNA to Meet India’s Energy Production Requirements

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

Greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants have been a critical challenge for India and it is a challenge that needs to be addressed head on given the country’s increasing demand for electricity. For example, electricity consumption grew from 375.39 billion kilowatt hours in 2000 to 1.108 trillion kilowatt hours in 2018. Additionally, electric power generation grew from 529.12 billion kilowatt hours in 2000 to 1.311 trillion kilowatt hours in 2018. The aspiration for rapid economic growth leading to industrialization, accelerated urbanization, and mechanization of agriculture is responsible for this growth in demand.

As part of India’s growth in solar energy, Adani Mundra Solar PV Limited manufactures solar cells for the Indian market. To obtain successful operational and financial performance, Adani Mundra Solar PV’s 1-gigawatt solar PV cell manufacturing project requires the continuous and reliable production of ultra-pure water 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Ultra-pure water (UPW) systems are often referred to as the “life blood” of modern solar cell production facilities. The cell products will encounter UPW on many occasions during their production cycle, and any disruption of service and/or “out-of-spec” water can seriously compromise their yield, costing perhaps millions of dollars in lost production.

Suez Water Technologies & Solutions (SWTS) is the worldwide industry leader in the UPW systems business to both the semiconductor and solar industries. SWTS’ patented UPW generation using membranes and filters produces 1-gigawatt-capacity PV cells and modules for solar power plants, enabling the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. Adani Mundra Solar PV contracted SWTS to design, engineer, procure, supply, erect, commission, and performance test a new solar PV manufacturing facility. The facility was required to produce 1,560 cubic meters per day in UPW production, plus 2,280 cubic meters per day in the UPW loop. This was made more complicated for SWTS because of the need to take influent flow from an existing 20 milliliters-per-day seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plant, which has a high total-organic-carbon (TOC) -5.9 ppm, very high chlorides (380 ppm), and very low hardness/alkalinity, which would cause severe corrosion in carbon-steel and stainless-steel materials. As a result, this project required innovative, one-of-a-kind thinking in both materials, manufacturing techniques, and in new, improved design modeling and project delivery methodologies.

Using a variety of Bentley applications, including OpenPlant, AutoPIPE, Navigator, ProSteel, and STAAD, SWTS created and implemented a digital model for managing this project. From performing structural analysis of polypropylene (PP) tanks to performing stress analysis, performing detailed civil, concrete, and tank design, managing multidiscipline design reviews, and producing detailed bills of materials directly from the digital model, SWTS was able to revolutionize their digital workflows and leverage the digital DNA they have created. Moreover, remote offices were connected via Bentley’s Connected Data Environment (CDE), based on ProjectWise, to ensure that the latest version of drawings and deliverables were always shared by the customer and site teams.

SWTS realized significant ROI by implementing these technologies and techniques. Savings include approximately USD 70,000 through optimized pipe routings and reduced field rework and 30-percent savings in resource hours during the design modeling phase (USD 35,000).
Utilizing Bentley software also lessened the civil, structural, piping, and cable tray site execution time by 60 days, resulting in a flawless construction of civil foundations, concrete and steel structures, equipment, piping plus allied supports, cable tray, and instrumentation within the stipulated project schedule.

A Suez Water Technologies & Solutions Engineering spokesperson said, “Bentley as a single solution provider successfully paved the way for analysis, modeling, designing, detailing, and documenting in a more prudent way, which met SWTS’s patented ultra-pure water generation using membranes and filters for solar power plant execution, on time and with high quality. SWTS’ efforts to industrialize their project delivery have enabled the company to reinforce its position as one of the world’s leading providers of UPW systems.”
Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

Collaborative Design and Advanced Construction Management Results in Significant Savings on Large-scale Expressway Project

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

The CNY 23.6 billion Lipu-Yulin Expressway will run through Guilin, Guigang, and Yulin in Guangxi province and is an important section of G59, China’s national expressway network. Guangxi Transportation Design Group Co., Ltd., is responsible for the overall design and coordination of the project, as well as providing technical support for the construction unit. The large-scale project, which requires complex and comprehensive management, faces many challenges including long distances, large amounts of land requisition and demolition, and citizen-control factors that need to be considered in the planning phase. The main line of the project is 263.1 kilometers long and requires exceptional communication and coordination among teams, multiple disciplines, and public entities.

The expressway design includes several technically complex bridges, such as the Xiangsizhou Bridge, with a span of 450 meters and the largest-span, cable-stayed bridge in Guangxi province, and the Pingnansan Bridge, the largest span-arch bridge in the world under construction, with a span of 575 meters. The expressway also includes super-long tunnels, such as the Wenwei Tunnel, which runs 4,705 meters and is located in mountainous regions with rough terrain and poor geological conditions.

The BIM design team was required to determine how to build a full-factor scenario project model quickly and optimize the route plan. The team depended on Bentley software to enable the design, collaboration, and management across all teams while meeting contractual-scheduled requirements. Project goals include saving design time by 20 percent, limiting deviation between target cost and actual cost to 2 percent, and achieving a profit margin of 5 percent.

The BIM team used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in combination with ContextCapture to create large-scale, reality meshes for the project. The models were used to perform 3D analysis to ensure the safety clearance of equipment and structures and conduct site planning and optimize construction site space utilization to reach 95 percent optimization. Using OpenRoads, the team created 3D models for planning construction sites and temporary sites, arranging service areas, and selecting spoil ground to avoid wasting land resources, which saved land use by 5 percent and avoided 4,100 square meters of building demolition.

MicroStation was used to perform 3D parametric modeling, with ProStructures used to accurately model the steel structures; these applications identified problems and reduced design errors design rework to save 15 working days. OpenRoads and OpenBridge were used to perform 3D design of roads, bridges, and tunnels to quickly and accurately locate the structures, perform parametric modeling, and improve design efficiency by more than 200 percent. BIM 5D construction management was achieved using the project’s electronic sandbox system based on MicroStation to manage 3D content while combining the data with a web GIS to provide information browsing and sharing. ProjectWise was used to provide collaborative design across all parties and professions and reduced communication costs by CNY 400,000.

Combining Bentley technology with BIM methodologies, the design team was able to achieve economic savings as well as reduce staff input of design and construction management by 10 percent, which reduced resource hours by 30 percent and greatly improved the quality of construction, laying the foundation for timely and high-quality project completion.

Changhai Wang, BIM center director, Guangxi Communications Design Group Co., Ltd., said, “Using Bentley’s project team collaboration system leveraging ProjectWise, improved information sharing and communication among team members. Having the most updated information at our fingertips helped us reduce the number of meeting by 15 times

and communication and collaboration costs by more than CNY 400,000.”
Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

Maha Metro Leads the Way with OpenRail CDE, Introduces a New Culture for Delivery of Rail and Transit Projects in India

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

Nagpur, in the state of Maharashtra, India, is seeing growing economic activity. With motorized transport dominated by two-wheelers contributing to congestion, pollution, and accidents on its roads, Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (Maha Metro) is working hard to deliver a safe, reliable, efficient, affordable, commuter-friendly, and environmentally-sustainable rapid public transport system for the region.

When complete the Nagpur Metro project will be 41.7 kilometers in length and include 40 stations and two depots. While the current public transportation system only accounts for 10 percent of total trips, Nagpur Metro will provide first- and last-mile connectivity via feeder services that will include shuttle buses, battery-operated vehicles, pedestrian facilities, and bicycle-sharing schemes, enhancing accessibility for all classes of commuter.
The Government of India’s Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation conducted a study that concluded that of 564 large infrastructure projects implemented in India, 42 percent were delayed, and 31 percent had no definite time of delivery. With railway projects reportedly experiencing more than 95 percent cost overruns and 118 percent time overruns, Maha Metro knew it would encounter many challenges and needed a different approach. Opting to follow international best practices on the metro project, it took an asset-centric approach, one that would incorporate a common set of standards, workflows, and objectives from the planning stage and consider the whole lifecycle of the railway, including operations and maintenance.

The team at Maha Metro began with the definition of standards, processes, and workflows for inclusion in its digital project management platform based on Bentley’s OpenRail CDE solution. Having developed Employers Information Requirements (EIR) that referenced the PAS 1192 suite of British Standards, and mandated their use in all supply chain contracts, Maha Metro decided to set up an owner’s support office to assist with successful implementation. With the help of Bentley Systems, Maha Metro created a BIM academy to encourage adoption of its CDE, BIM compliance, and aid onboarding of the supply chain.

At present, Maha Metro’s CDE is home to around 12,000 3D models, drawings, and project-related documents. It provides an ongoing source of trusted information for the 22 design consulting companies, 15 contractors, and a consortium of five organizations that make up its general consultants, enabling seamless collaboration across 30 disciplines on the project.

Anticipated savings because of Maha Metro’s adoption of OpenRail CDE and this pioneering approach for the Indian rail market during design and construction include:

  • USD 540,000 during design review for distribution and review of information compared to manual processes.
  • USD 280,000 through its adoption of automated CAD quality assurance and title block integration.
  • USD 690,000 because of on-site validation of documents using QR codes.
  • USD 85,000 by way of dynamic dashboard project progress reports.

Maha Metro also has its eye on operational expenditure during the capital expenditure phase and has configured its CDE to record all engineered components, systems, locations, properties, specifications, and drawings. The CDE also helped Maha Metro procure vendor data, vendor manual, vendor drawings, bills of materials, and specifications. Lastly, through the CDE, Maha Metro could install or construct assets, including test data and inspection reports, that cover all of the lifecycle stages. When completed, this trusted source of information residing in the CDE will form the operational backbone of Nagpur Metro’s infrastructure for years to come, and it is expected to generate savings of around USD 222 million over a 25-year period.

“We are happy that we chose Bentley as the partner to realize our digital project management approach in successfully executing our project from concept to operations. The team’s innovative use of Bentley technology to manage design, construction, and handover has already been acknowledged by other large infrastructure owner-operators as an important first step to introducing a new culture for delivering rail projects in India,” said Brijesh Kumar Dixit, managing director, Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited.
Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle

CCCC Creates a Digital Twin to Build a New Digital City in China

bentley.com - 15/10/2018 - 01:00

As part of a coordinated development plan, Zhongguancun will integrate the resources of Beijing, Tianjin, and Zhongguancun to build a new science and technology city. The CNY 2.2 billion project includes the design and construction of roads, utility pipelines, a 174,000-square-meter park, and green roadsides spanning 477,000 square meters. Given the large geographic span, wide construction area, and tight construction timeline, the overall project consultant CCCC Water Transportation Planning Design Institute (CCCC) implemented a collaborative BIM process to coordinate the many engineering disciplines to deliver the new digital city.
In keeping with the idea of a truly digital city that incorporates a municipality’s needed services, the project scope encompasses a wide range of utility, transportation, and environmental disciplines. Included within the project scope is the construction of 16 roads with a length of approximately 30 kilometers; a layout of rain and sewage diversion pipelines with a length of approximately 78 kilometers; water supply pipelines with a length of approximately 40 kilometers; intermediate water pipelines with a length of approximately 26 kilometers; gas pipelines with a length of approximately 43 kilometers; thermal power pipelines with a length of approximately 40 kilometers; power pipelines with a length of approximately 45 kilometers; and telecommunication pipelines with a length of approximately 39 kilometers. Additionally, the project team is responsible for designing and constructing a city park with an area of approximately 174,000 square meters. The roadside will be green with an area of approximately 477,000 square meters, and the river and water environment will be comprehensively improved. CCCC acts as the overall consultant and implementer of the BIM process on this project. The organization is responsible for the creation and application of BIM technology in the design, construction, and operation and maintenance of models in all stages. CCCC is responsible for setting up a BIM project management platform, building project digital assets, and assisting the construction of the regional smart park and smart city.
Using Bentley’s integrated BIM applications, including ContextCapture, LumenRT, MicroStation, Navigator, OpenBridge Modeler, OpenRoads, ProjectWise, ProStructures the team generated a comprehensive 3D model of the entire city. CCCC identified and remedied more than 200 collision points, optimizing design and reducing costly rework. Performing construction simulation facilitated construction management, shortening the construction period by 64 days to save CNY 6.6 million in costs. ProjectWise provided a connected data environment to streamline workflows and improve design efficiency. Integrating ContextCapture to generate a reality mesh from UAV terrain data collected on site enabled the team to facilitate earthworks planning, saving approximately CNY 40 million.

Zhiqiang Lu, deputy chief engineer of CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd., stated, “By using Bentley solutions, we realize the integrated BIM application in the construction of the project. We apply a brand-new working mode in realizing the highly efficient collaboration and highly integrated sharing of information, resulting in all the project participants expressing our design ideas directly and efficiently, at the same time. We reach a target that all participants enhance professional service capability, digital management, and construction quality.”
Catégories: Géomatique, On en parle